近日, 新加坡港口(PSA)給所有涉及韓進滯留貨柜的收貨人、發貨人、貨主以及貨代發出正式通知,為騰出更多的碼頭場地和設施以服務其現有客戶,將加速處理韓進海運倒閉后大量滯留在新加坡港口的韓進集裝箱。 新加坡港給相關貨主和貨代最后期限是11月28日,逾期的貨物將被拍賣! 也就是說,三個星期后, 所有逾期未處理(轉港,退關,退運或退場)的貨物將自動進入被拍賣程序!! 作為韓進海運倒閉后接收韓進滯留貨柜第二多的港口( 第一為韓國釜山港),新加坡港滯留有大量的韓進貨柜,有些客戶已經開始著手處理, 有些客戶還在觀望和尋找處理渠道, 這次新加坡港的通知一出,也宣告留給所有收貨人,發貨人,貨主以及貨代去處理的時間進入倒計時階段了! 新加坡港(PSA)發布處理韓進滯留貨柜通知 具體內容如下: Notice to Cargo Owners, Consignees, Shippers and/or Freight Forwarders There are cargo-laden containers owned and/or operated by Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd (the “Containers”) presently lying in our terminals and facilities. To ensure that we maintain an optimal port capacity to serve all our customers and partners, cargo owners, consignees, shippers and/or freight forwarders are urged to contact PSA and claim the Containers and/or the cargo therein by 28 November 2016. TAKE NOTICE that if the Containers and/or the cargo therein remain unclaimed after 28 November 2016, we will take steps to dispose and/or sell them as we may deem fit. 新加坡港現扣留韓進柜子的船名單